Indonesien is n Ailoundstoat in Suudaast-Asien. Ap dät Ailound Borneo lait dät Skeed tou Malaysia, ap dät Ailound Näiguinea lait dät Skeed tou Papua-Näiguinea un ap dät Ailound Timor lait dät Skeed tou Aasttimor.
[Beoarbaidje | beoarbaidje Wältext]- Indonesien
National Museum fon Indonesien in Midde Jakarta
Wisma 46, Indonesiens hoochste Büro-Gebäude, twiske do Wulkenkratsere fon Jakarta.
Jalan Thamrin, ju Haudallee in Midde Jakarta
N Such in dän Gambir-Boanhoaf in Midde Jakarta
Dät Bung Karno Stadium kon 100,000 Toukiekere bierge
Koarte fon Indonesien
Provinze fon Indonesien
Malioboro, ju bekoandste Sträite in ju Stäädmidde fon Yogyakarta
Trans Jogja Bus. N gau Bus-Truchraise-System in ju Stäädmidde fon Yogyakarta
N Köär fon indonesisk Ieten, deerbie Soto Ayam (Hannesoppe), sate kerang (Skoalendierte Kebabs), telor pindang (ounlaide Oaiere), perkedel (Frites), un es teh manis (swäiten Ies-Tee)
An Indonesian Army infantryman participating in the U.N.'s Global Peacekeeping Operation Initiative
Pindad Panser "Anoa" shown during Indo Defense and Aerospace Expo 2008
Indonesian Naval vessels
B-25 Mitchell bombers of the AURI in the 1950s
Mazda6 used by the Jakarta Metro Highway Patrol (Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya) as a patrol car
Mitsubishi Lancer used by Vital Object Protection of Indonesian National Police
GE U20C in Indonesia, #CC201-05
GE U20C "Full-Width Cabin" in Indonesia, #CC203-22
GE U20C full computer control locomotive in Indonesia, #CC204-06